
Glaciologia y Hidrologia

Rivera, A., Aravena, J. C., Urra, A., & Reid, B. (2023). Chilean Patagonian Glaciers and Environmental Change. 393–407.

Loriaux, T., & Ruiz, L. (2021). Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Supra-Glacial Ponds and Ice Cliffs on Verde Glacier, Chile. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9(June), 1–12.

Marshall, M.G., Kellerman, A.M., Wadham, J.L., Hawkings, J.R., Daneri, G., Torres, R., Pryer, H.V., Beaton, A., Ng, H.C., Urra, A. & Robinson, L.F. (2021). Seasonal Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in a Patagonian Fjord Affected by Glacier Melt Inputs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, p.276.

Rivera, A., Aravena, J.C, Urra, A., & Reid, B. (2021). Glaciares de la Patagonia Chilena y Consecuencias Medioambientales de sus Cambios. En Castilla, J. C., Armesto, J. J., y Martínez-Harms, M. J. (Eds.). Conservación en la Patagonia chilena: evaluación del conocimiento, oportunidades y desafíos. Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile, Capítulo 15, pp 473-491.

Pryer, H.V., Hatton, J.E., Wadham, J.L., Hawkings, J.R., Robinson, L.F., Kellerman, A.M., Marshall, M.G., Urra, A., Covey, A., Daneri, G. & Häussermann, V. (2020). The Effects of Glacial Cover on Riverine Silicon Isotope Compositions in Chilean Patagonia. Frontiers in Earth Science, p.368. htps://

Urra, A., Wadham, J.L., Hawkings, J.R., Telling, J., Hatton, J., Yde, J.C., Hasholt, B., van As, D., Bhatia, M.P., & Nienow, P. (2019). Weathering dynamics under contrasting Greenland ice sheet catchments. Frontiers in Earth Science: 299.

Bravo, C., Loriaux, T., Rivera, A., & Brock, B. (2017). Assessing glacier melt contribution to streamflow at Universidad Glacier, central Andes of Chile. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(7), 3249-3266

Gacitúa, G., Uribe, J.A., Wilson, R., Loriaux, T., Hernández, J., & Rivera, A. (2015). 50 MHz helicopter-borne radar data for determination of glacier thermal regime in the central Chilean Andes. Annals of Glaciology, 56(70), 193–201.

Casassa, G., Rodríguez, J. L., & Loriaux, T. (2014). A New Glacier Inventory for the Southern Patagonia Icefield and Areal Changes 1986–2000. In Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (pp. 639–660).

Loriaux, T., & Casassa, G. (2013). Evolution of glacial lakes from the Northern Patagonia Icefield and terrestrial water storage in a sea-level rise context. Global and Planetary Change, 102, 33–40.

Cárdenas, Carlos, Carvallo, Rubén, Dodman, Cristian, Johnson, Erling, & Hernández, J. (2011). Georeferencing data obtaines trhough Radio Echo-Sounding at north of the Antarctic Peninsula. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 39(2), 91-95.

Meteorología y material particulado

Huneeus, N., Lapere, R., Mazzeo, A., Ordóñez, C., Donoso, N., Muñoz, R., & Rutllant, J. A. (2021). Deep winter intrusions of urban black carbon into a canyon near Santiago, Chile: A pathway towards Andean glaciers. Environmental Pollution, 291, 118124.

Bravo, C., Paredes, P., Donoso, N., & Cisternas, S. (2021). Occurrence and impacts of heat waves events in a glacierized basin in the subtropical Andes. EGU21.

Flores, F., Arriagada, A., Donoso, N., Martínez, A., Viscarra, A., Falvey, M., & Schmitz, R. (2020). Investigation of a Nocturnal Cold-Air Pool in a Semiclosed Basin Located in the Atacama Desert. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(12), 1953–1970.

Muñoz, R. C., Armi, L., Rutllant, J. A., Falvey, M., Whiteman, C. D., Garreaud, R., … Donoso, N. (2020). Raco Wind at the Exit of the Maipo Canyon in Central Chile: Climatology, Special Observations, and Possible Mechanisms. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(4), 725–749.


Falkowski, S., Ehlers, T. A., Madella, A., Glotzbach, C., Georgieva, V., & Strecker, M. R. (2021). Glacial catchment erosion from detrital zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology: Patagonian Andes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126, e2021JF006141.

Andrić-Tomašević, N., Falkowski, S., Georgieva, V., Glotzbach, C., Strecker, M. R., & Ehlers, T. A. (2021). Quantifying tectonic and glacial controls on topography in the Patagonian Andes (46.5°S) from integrated thermochronometry and thermo-kinematic modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126, e2020JF005993.

Galetto, A., Georgieva, V., García, V. H., Zattin, M., Sobel, E. R., Glodny, J., et al. (2021). Cretaceous and Eocene rapid cooling phases in the Southern Andes (36°–37°S): Insights from low-temperature thermochronology, U-Pb geochronology, and inverse thermal modeling from Domuyo area, Argentina. Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006415.

Sobczyk, A, Sobel, E.R., & Georgieva, V. (2020). Meso-Cenozoic cooling and exhumation history of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif, Central Europe): Insights from apatite fission-track thermochronometry – Terra Nova, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 122-133.

Georgieva, V., Gallagher, K., Sobczyk, A., Sobel, E.R., Schildgen, T.F., Ehlers, T.A., & Strecker, M.R. (2019). Effects of slab-window, alkaline volcanism, and glaciation on thermochronometer cooling histories, Patagonian Andes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.

Georgieva, V., Melnick, D., Schildgen, T., Ehlers, T. A., Lagabrielle, Y., Enkelmann, E., & Strecker, M. (2016). Tectonic control on rock uplift, exhumation and topography above an oceanic-ridge collision - Southern Patagonian Andes (47S), Chile, Tectonics, Vol. 35, Issue 6, pages 1317-1341.

Bachmann, R., Oncken, O., Glodny, J., Seifert, W., Georgieva, V., & Sudo, M. (2009). Exposed plate interface in the European Alps reveals fabric styles and gradients related to an ancient seismogenic coupling zone. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, Vol. 114, B5


Loriaux, T., Verdon, J., Kendall, M., Baird, A., & Wookey, J. (2021). Field measurements of fracture characteristics on a wave-cut platform. Interpretation, 9(2), 1-33

Miranda, P. A., Morales, J. R., Cancino, S., Dinator, M. I., Donoso, N., Sepúlveda, A., … Rojas, S. (2010). Ion Beam Facility at the University of Chile; Applications and Basic Research. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1265(1), 509.